Downloadable files

The following files are available for download.

Human Failure Types: A typology of human failures, with notes about how to address each kind. (Contains public sector information published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government License. See full text of the license here.)

Work-from-home checklists: These two checklists work together to ensure that your organization's work-from-home program is fully aligned with your Quality Management System, and that all relevant issues have been addressed.

What to expect in an audit: This PowerPoint presentation goes over what your organization should expect from an upcoming internal or external Quality audit. Feel free to download it as a training tool for your organization. You may want to copy it onto whatever presentation template you normally use. Also there are a couple of places where I have sample text that you might have to change to fit your own policies and procedures. (I call attention to these places using remarks in pale blue, between square brackets, starting with the words "Your organization." [They look like this.])

GE information sheet for "sensi-temp" technology: I reference this sheet in my post "'Lazy compliance' and unintended consequences" (September 26, 2024). At the time that I wrote the article, it was available from the GE website here. But I archived a local copy in case the GE website is ever rearranged or reconfigured. 


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