For the past couple of weeks we've been talking about metrics, and it is clear that they are central to most modern Quality systems. ISO 9000:2015 identifies "Evidence-based decision making" as a fundamental Quality management principle, stating (in clause "Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to produce desired results." ISO 9001:2015 (in clause 6.2.1) requires organizations to establish measurable quality objectives—that is, metrics—in order to monitor how well they are doing. We've all heard the slogan, "What gets measured, gets managed."
If you think about it, the centrality of quantitative metrics relies on a number of fundamental assumptions:
- We assume that quantitative metrics are objective—in the sense that they are unbiased. This lack of bias makes them better than mere opinions.
- We also assume that quantitative metrics are real, external, independent features of the thing we want to understand. This external independence makes them reliable as a basis for decisions.
- And finally, we assume that quantitative metrics are meaningful: if the numbers are trending up (or down), that tells us something about what action we need to take next.
But each of these assumptions is weak.
- Metrics are not necessarily unbiased. In fact, as we discussed last week, there is a sense in which every quantitative metric conceals some hidden bias. Since this is true for all metrics, the answer is not to replace your old metric with a better one. What is important is to understand the hidden bias, to correct for it when you interpret your results.
- Metrics are not necessarily external or independent of the thing being measured. Think about measuring people. If they come to understand that you are using a metric as a target—maybe they get a bonus if the operational KPIs are all green next quarter—people will use their creativity to make certain that the KPIs are all green regardless of the real state of things. (See also this post here.)
- And metrics can only be meaningful in a defined context. Without the context, they are just free-floating numbers, no more helpful than a will o' the wisp.
We discussed the first risk last week. I'll discuss the second risk in this post. And I'll discuss the third one next week.
Unhelpful optimization
I quoted above the slogan, "What gets measured, gets managed." But just a week ago, Nuno Reis of the University of Uncertainty pointed out in a LinkedIn post that this slogan is misleading, and that it was originally coined as a warning rather than an exhortation. Specifically, Reis writes:
It started with V. F. Ridgway’s 1956 quote: "What gets measured gets managed."
Yet, Ridgway was WARNING how metrics distort and damage organizations.
The FULL quote is:
"What gets measured gets managed—even when it's pointless to measure and manage it, and even if it harms the purpose of the organization to do so."*
The original source was a 1956 article by V. F. Ridgway called. "Dysfunctional consequences of performance measurements."** Ridgway's point is that a metric provides just a single view onto the thing you want to understand, but some people will always treat it uncritically, as the whole truth. This misunderstanding creates an opportunity for other people to exploit the metric by acting so that the numbers get better, even if the overall organization suffers for it. Examples include the following:***
"1. A case where public employment interviewers were evaluated based on the number of interviews. This caused the interviewers to conduct fast interviews, but very few job applicants were placed.
"2. A situation where investigators in a law enforcement agency were given a quota of eight cases per month. At the end of the month investigators picked easy fast cases to meet their quota. Some more urgent, but more difficult cases were delayed or ignored.
"3. A manufacturing example similar to the above situation where a production quota caused managers to work on all the easy orders towards the end of the month, ignoring the sequence in which the orders were received.
"4. Another case involved emphasis on setting monthly production records. This caused production managers to neglect repairs and maintenance.
"5. Standard costing is mentioned as a frequent source of problems where managers are motivated to spend a considerable amount of time and energy debating about how indirect cost should be allocated and attempting to explain the differences between the actual and standard costs."
You see the general point. In each case, a metric is defined in the hopes that it will drive organizational behavior in a good direction. But the people working inside the organization naturally want to score as well as possible, preferably without too much effort. So they use their creativity to find ways to boost the numbers.
Also, in case this discussion sounds familiar, we have seen these themes before. Once was in 2021, in this post here, where I argue that "There is no metric in the world that cannot be gamed." But the exact same point shows up in this post here from 2023, about systems thinking—where the fundamental insight is that if you design your operations and metrics in a lazy way, without thinking through what you are doing, you will incentivize your people to deliver bad service.
Pro tip: Don't do that.
Goodhart's law
Let me wrap up by referencing the webcomic xkcd. This one is about Goodhart's Law, that "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." Of course the reasons behind Goodhart's Law are everything I've already said in this post. Here's what xkcd does with it:****
Meanwhile, I hope everyone has a great holiday season! I'll be back in a week to talk about the third assumption we make regarding metrics.
* It seems that this formulation is from a summary of Ridgway's work by the journalist Simon Caulkin. See this article for references.
** Ridgway, V. F. 1956. Dysfunctional consequences of performance measurements. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(2): 240-247. See reprint available here, or summary available here.
*** These five examples are quoted from this summary here, by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA.
**** The xkcd website makes the following statement about permissions for re-use: "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details."