We all know that measurement is important. But what if you want to measure something that has no defined metric?
The answer may be that you have to make something up. Look at the feature, or process, or event that you have in mind; determine its salient characteristics; and then decide how those can be best isolated and communicated. Often, the clearest communication is quantitative, in terms of numbers. In a few cases, you might find it simpler to communicate in binary terms (on/off), or qualitatively. But in all events, make sure that your distinctions are objective and repeatable.
The basic elements you have to define are:
- system of measurement
- unit of measure
- sensor
And that's it! Once you know how you are going to check the thing (sensor) and what you are going to count (unit of measure), you can measure whatever you need.
This video explains the process by walking through the steps to establish the Scoville scale, which measures the hotness of chili peppers. It's quick and fun and less than two minutes long.
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