Thursday, January 2, 2025

Why are you an auditor?—REDUX!

It's the New Year,* and I hope 2025 will be good for us all! In case any readers are still coping with a surfeit of champagne, let's start with something light.

A few months ago, I published a post asking "Why are you an auditor?" I told the story of Amir, who took a job as an auditor in order to learn how to manage a business. His plan was that, once he had learned how to run a business, he was going to quit auditing for entrepreneurship.

After writing this article, I posted notices pointing to it in a number of venues. One of these venues was the myASQ community, where Anthony DeMarinis of AJD Quality Solutions responded with the answers that he gives his students to the exact same question. I've wanted to share them with you ever since I read them, and this looks like a fine time to do so.

Top 10 Reasons to Become an Auditor

10  Get to see the big picture with exposure to Top Management

 9  Benchmark other areas and promote Out-Of-Box Thinking

 8  Good way to increase your personal knowledge and keep your job

 7  Paid time off and a diversion from your regular job

 6  Acquire transferable skills to prepare for the next layoff

 5  Experience with conflict resolution (which may come in handy at home)

 4  Free dinner at fancy restaurants with the Auditee

 3  Opportunity to network and look for another job

 2  You're not the Auditee and get to hassle someone else for a change

 1  Unlimited POWER!!!

Once again, I wish you all a very Happy New Year! Let's do good things in 2025.



* OK, technically that was yesterday. But it's only been 2025 for a scant 32 hours so far.     

Five laws of administration

It's the last week of the year, so let's end on a light note. Here are five general principles that I've picked up from working ...